
AllChem ServicesAllChem Limited has diversified its portfolio into commercial fireproofing, thermal and acoustical insulation, waterproofing, firestop and shotcrete services. We adhere to industry standards and provide quality services at reasonable prices. Whether it’s a new install or retrofit remodel project, we will work together with you to achieve the desired solution. We acknowledge timelines are crucial in commercial construction, and it is our goal to help keep your projects moving, so constant coordination is very important to us. Contact our team of experts for an assessment of your project today.

Our targeted customers include schools, hospitals, high-rises, emergency service facilities, government facilities, factory warehouses and storage facilities. Many of our installers already have certifications to work in restricted access areas and are familiar with HSEQ policies and procedures of working in such areas.

We at AllChem Limited realize the dangers associated with commercial construction which is why we have implemented a tenacious and strict safety program. Our employees are extensively and repeatedly trained and counseled on the proper safety precautions and procedures to take when on the jobsite. 

AllChem believes in responsibly paying the PRICE for Safety

Safety is always    Proactive

Safety is always    Right

Safety is always    Intentional

Safety is always    Conscious

Safety is always    Everywhere



Insulation - Commercial, Industrial & Residential

Tired of high electricity costs and discomfort of employees? Our Insulation application will significantly decrease the need for air-conditioning. Insulation has evolved greatly over the years and today there are many products on the market which can be installed and tailored to meet specific project requirements.

Insulation of Industrial factories will lead to higher productivity levels and will create a cool and conducive ambience for workers. Electricity costs will be decrease because insulation will reduce energy used  and the need for larger air conditioning units. Residential attic insulation has proven by experts to make your roof structure more secure and it provides a seal for minor leaks that may exist. Installing thermal and acoustical insulation in your homes can assure that you will be more than satisfied with the end result. Feel free to email any questions and/or concerns and our team of experts will be more than willing to answer them for you based on profound knowledge and years of experience.

Our installers not only work in residential applications, but also commercial, so they are more than capable of providing the quality product you deserve. We guarantee our services and warranty our work, because we want our customers to have peace of mind when improving their homes.

We specialize in many different types of insulation ranging from rigid board to polyurethane foam. Our crews are properly trained and highly experienced in thermal as well as acoustical insulation. We specialize in commercial building insulation applications.


  • Fiberglass, Cellulose, and Rockwool Blown Insulation
  • Spray-applied cellulose systems
  • Rigid Insulation
  • Polyurethane Foam
  • Simple Saver
  • Wired Vinyl Insulation
  • Batt. Insulation
  • Radiant Barrier
  • Attic Tent


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In these volatile times, there is no room for error in passive fire protection. Fireproofing is paramount in protecting your investment, whether it is stock, commercial building or home. Being a requirement for structural steel and concrete in commercial construction, contractors cannot afford to take any chances on quality of fireproofing. AllChem Limited is committed to take every possible step, to ensure that we provide the highest quality fire protection needed.

Our installers are specialized in their field and have the skills and know-how to be extremely efficient in the application of spray-applied fire resistive materials. Not only does this ensure that a project continues to move during its early stages, but it also gives owners, builders, and tenants peace of mind that they have the necessary fire protection needed to ensure their safety.


  • Cementitious
  • Fibrous
  • Intumescent
  • Metal Building Firewalls
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Waterproofing is necessary in any kind of environment, but especially in areas with heavy moisture. In areas where there is a lot of moisture collection on the ground, hydrostatic pressure can create a nightmare for a building’s foundation.

Whether it’s waterproofing or damp proofing, our experts know the jeopardy that inferior waterproofing puts a structure in, and they strive to mitigate any issues with superior knowledge and experience. We carefully select premium quality products to best match the requirements and our installers are highly trained and qualified.


  • Waterproofing
  • Damp proofing
  • Site Caulking
  • Tilt Wall Panel Caulking
  • Water Repellants
  • Below Grade Waterproofing
  • Deck Coatings
  • Traffic Coatings
  • Window Caulking
  • Floor Sealers
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“Firestop” refers to the methodology used to prevent the transfer or free-flow of fire in an unfortunate event. Fire protection is all about containment. People occupying a building need adequate time to evacuate in the event of a fire. This means that every joint and every penetration should be properly sealed so that each wall and floor partition will hold up to fire exposure for the required hourly rating.

We provide innovative firestop services to help stop the spread of fire, smoke and toxic fumes. All our systems are UL-approved and our applicators are manufacturer certified. Our experience has given us the tools necessary to work through any situation we may encounter.


  • Head of Wall
  • Wall to Wall
  • Edge of Slab
  • Curtain Wall
  • Floor to Floor
  • Cable Penetrations
  • Pipe Penetrations
  • Conduit Penetrations
  • Switch and Receptacle Boxes
  • Duct and Conduit Fire wrapping
  • Residential Applications


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Shotcrete is a version of a cast-in-place concrete wall. Rather than placing concrete into forms, a fresh mix is sprayed onto wall panels that have been erected in the shape of the building or structure. A nozzleman applies concrete from a pressurized hose to encompass the reinforcement and build up the wall thickness, forming structural shapes that include walls, floors, roofs, and other assemblies. Shotcrete undergoes placement and compaction at the same time due to the force with which it is projected from the nozzle. This material has also been called “gunite” in reference to the nozzle or “gun” used to shoot material at the form face. Any surface suitable for accepting fresh concrete can be used: wood, steel, and polystyrene are common. Finishes are often applied directly to the concrete while it is still wet.

Shotcrete high strength, durability, low permeability, excellent bond and limitless shape possibilities can be achieved with either the wet- or dry-process, making it superior to high quality conventional concrete. Both the wet- and dry-processes have been made almost interchangeable by advancements in both material and equipment technology over the years.

Shotcrete systems have advantages similar to all other concrete walls. They are strong, durable, and resistant to disasters, fires, mould, insects and vermin, and have low permeability, good thermal mass, and create tight envelopes. Although the hardened properties of shotcrete are similar to conventional cast-in-place concrete, the nature of the placement process provides additional benefits, such as very fast erection, particularly on complex forms or shapes, including curved walls and arches. Shotcrete is a cost effective building method due to the speed of construction and minimal equipment requirements.

When considering a small to medium concrete job, pool installation, driveway, or deck, Shotcrete should be at the top of your list.


  • Stucco
  • Vertical Walls
  • Pools
  • Driveways
  • Floor Slabs
  • Arches 
  • Tunneling


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If you would like to have your structure assessed, please contact us at EMAIL or use our Contact Us form.